KEY: ac Arabic; ad art and design; afm advanced further maths; ag archaeology; ah ancient history and literature; am applied mathematics; ap accounting; ar art; as ap-plied science; bg British government and politics; bi biology; bk book keeping; bs building studies; bu business studies; cc design communication; cf community stud-ies; cg catering; ch chemistry; cl classical civilisation; cn Chinese; co commerce; cp computer studies; cs communication studies; ct critical thinking; cz citizenship; da dance; dn design; dr drama; ds domestic science; dt design technology; ea English language; ec economics; eh economic history; ek electronics; el English literature; en English; er engineering; es earth science; eu European studies; ev environmental studies; ey ecology; fa fine art; fi film studies; fm further maths; fr French; fs food studies; gc graphical communication; gd general studies; (with Urdu); gk Greek; gl geology; gn German; gp government and politics; gr art: graphics; gs general sci-ence; gt general studies; gu Gujerati; gy geography; ha history of art; hb human biol-ogy; hc home economics child care; he home economics; hf home economics food; hi history; hl health and social care; hm history and appreciation of music; hn Hindi; hs health science; ht home economics textiles; hu humanities; in Italian; is industrial science; it information technology; jn Japanese; ka keyboard and application; la Latin; lb land-based studies; le leisure; lr leisure and recreation; lw law; ma mathe-matics; me media; mm mathematics with mechanics; mp pure and applied maths; mr arithmetic; ms media studies; mu music; mu tech music technology; mw maths with stats; of office practice; os office studies; pa Punjabi; pc physics/chemistry; pd prod-uct design; pe physical education; per Persian; pf performing arts; pg photography; ph physics; pi philosophy; pl politics; pm pure mathematics; pn performance studies; po pottery; pol Polish; pr physics rot dynamics; ps physical science; pt physics elec-tronics; pu Portuguese; py psychology; rr rural science; rs religious studies; ru Rus-sian; sb social and environmental biology; sc science; se spoken English; sh short-hand; so sociology; sp Spanish; ss social studies; st statistics; su sports studies; su(1) BTEC Sports National Award (1 A level); su(2) BTEC Sports National Certifi-cate (2 A levels); su(3) BTEC Sports National Diploma (3 A levels); th theology; tn technology; tr travel and tourism; ts theatre studies; tv media studies; tx art: textiles; ty typing; ur Urdu; BS3 business 3 units; BS6 business 6 units; BS12 business 12 units; HC3 health & social care 3 units; HC6 health & social care 6 units; HC12 health & social care 12 units; IT3 IT 3 units; IT6 IT 6 units; IT12 IT 12 units